Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Whole New Me

Yesterday I had quite an exciting day. First I went to the eye doctor and finally upgraded from my 2 week contacts to Night and Day, which means I can wear them for 30 straight day and nights without changing them. Last night, as I was going to bed, I didn't have my glasses on and it felt so liberating. And this morning, when I woke up and could actually read the clock, it was amazing. I've heard people who have had Lasik say how wonderful it is to just wake up and be able to see, but I can't describe to you just how wonderful it is! I also got new glasses (frames and lenses) and new computer glasses lenses. My prescription hasn't changed at all, but my astigmatism is back, so they are adding that in.

I also got an iPhone yesterday, and already love it. I had to switch from my beloved Verizon to AT&T but so far I have no complaints. It seems the battery doesn't last more than a day (or maybe I've just been on it too much), but other than it's really fun. I've never had a phone with Wi-Fi on it before, so it's big leap for me from a regular old phone to iPhone. I'm having lots of fun downloading apps, and looking forward to no longer being bored on bus rides.

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