Can't believe it's already Monday again - the weekend flew by. Friday after work my co-worker and I went to pick up our packets for our race on Sunday. It was gorgeous outside - sunny and warm and just perfect. We got our packets, t-shirts, did a bit of shopping, and then headed home. I relaxed outside for a bit, and then the boyfriend came over and we watched basketball and I made tacos and we chilled out.
Saturday morning, while the boyfriend was at flag football, I had all these grand intentions of going out and being productive and hitting up the town. Well, that didn't happen. Once I finally left the house, the boyfriend came over and we headed to meet up with some of my old co-workers for dinner. It was such a great time getting to catch up with them all, and the food was great as well. Then we had to run off to go out for our friend Chris's 30th birthday bash. Jules hosted the party, and she made the funniest t-shirts with embarrassing pictures of Chris on them along with funny quotes. There was also some Edward 40-hands going on which always leads to a fun time. Unfortunately we couldn't stay out too late, since I had to get up early for the race the next day.

Sunday morning I awoke very early to go meet up with co-workers for the Scope it Out 5k, which is the largest Colon Cancer race in the world. Since it was a group of all girls, we decided to walk and chat the entire way. The group was walking a little too casually for my taste, but it was a great time and great cause.
The Capital - taken during the Scope it Out 5k |
Let me take a time out here and let you know how wonderful the boyfriend is. He brought both my bike and his bike all the way out to the race. Then he sat there and waited for me and my friends to finish the race. Since we were walking so slowly, he waited for about 45 mins. He also didn't realize how chilly it was out, so he was freezing the whole time.
The boyfriend with his bike on the metro after soccer |
After the race was over, the boyfriend and I darted off to catch the metro and then bike to his soccer game. Two of his teammates are married and both wanted to play in the game. They brought their 2 adorable children to the game, so I walked one around the track in his cart until the babysitters showed up to take over. The boyfriend played amazingly, and his team won 2-1. The weather warmed up and it turned into a beautiful day.
When the game was over, we metroed and biked back to his place to watch basketball. We grocery shopped, made dinner, and settled in to watch the Illinois - Kansas game (Illinois is the boyfriends alma mater), and unfortunately Illinois lost, although they did play their hearts out. Too bad for them, maybe next year!
And now somehow it's Monday already.
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