Tuesday was the birthday, and Wednesday night I went to my 1st kick-boxing class. They told me to come in for an intro class, where I would learn the proper techniques, but then surprised me when I got there by saying that I would attending the hour long class, which I was totally mentally unprepared for. The class itself was awesome - a nice mix of pushing you, but not pushing you too hard where you just want to give up. And learning some awesome self-defense while getting a good workout is an added bonus. The only drawback was I was so sore. My thighs were burning after the workout, and it hurt to bend over all week. But I plan on going again this Wednesday, so wish me luck!
Thursday was my company's Holiday Party. We left work a bit early to attend a cooking class. We had a demonstration, and then broke up into teams of 4 (randomly assigned),

Friday was my company's 1st Annual Day of Service, and by "day" of service, they actually meant 2 hours. We got to choose between 3 preojcts: cleaning up a stream we adopted, throwing a Holiday Party at a daycare for 4 year olds, or making care packages for the troops. The stream clean-up sounded like fun, but it was a high of 39 that day so that was out. The care packages sounded like fun, but it meant staying back at the office, and I love little kids, so I signed up for the daycare. The daycare was for under-privileged kids whose parents couldn't afford regular day care. Not only the kids but the teachers were so happy to see us! We had them color pictures, create snowflakes which they decorated, and had a pizza party. It was so much fun, but kids are so exhausting to be around. We were only there for 2 hours, but I was wiped afterward. We came back to the office and my boss treated our group to lunch. Then I did a bit of work, and was off for the rest of the afternoon. Every Friday should be like that!
Friday night I wanted to watch Miami University play in the MAC Championship

Saturday I was supposed to go watch the boyfriend play in his soccer team's Championship Tournament, but it was way too cold to sit outside, so I opted to just sleep all day and not get out of bed until 2pm. The boyfriend's team is always in 1st place in their division. They always make it to the championships, but can never win to take home all the glory. I thought this would be their year, but it wasn't (they got 2nd). Maybe if I had been there....
The boyfriend planned on taking me ice skating on Saturday night for a romantic date to celebrate my birthday. But, I said it was too cold, so we ended up staying in and watching movies all night, which was a great time.
For my presents, I received a Browns jersey, and the red mittens

Sunday was my soccer teams playoff game. It was about 25 degrees outside with the wind chill, and I cannot begin to explain how cold and strong the wind was. We got our butts kicked in the game, but it was still fun, and was glad to have the boyfriend cheering me on! After the game, we unthawed at home and just watched football the rest of the day (yay Browns and Rams!)
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