Ugh this week has been rough. Not anything in particular bad happened, just a whole lot of blah. After an unseasonably warm fall, it suddenly turned to winter this week - highs in the low 30s, but with a wind chill in the 10s. You feel like you are going to blown over when you are walking outside, and you can hear the wind just howling outside and shaking our house (it's actually kinda scary). My bedroom has 2 sets of windows. 1 set has the heater under it, and the other set is right next to my bed and has the A/C unit in it. Every time the wind blows, I can feel it blowing right into my room (my thermometer says its 59 degrees in my room) . I thought it was coming in through the A/C unit, so I hung a blanket up over it to help block the wind. Well, that only partially helped, but it seems to be the entire window that is actually leaking air. I purchased film for my windows that is supposed to help with this very issue, but it won't be here for a few days. In the meantime, I pulled my bed out into the middle of the room to be farther away from the draft, which made for a much better night's sleep. Needless to say, I wish I was here right now:

Tonight I'm going to my 2nd kickboxing class, and I'm super excited to kick some butt there. I just hope I'm not as sore as last time.
Also, the boyfriend and I are headed to New York City to celebrate our 1 1/2 year anniversary! I'm so excited to see the city decked out in Christmas. This is all thanks to my wonderful sister who let me use her hotel points for *2 free nights* in a hotel in downtown NYC. Can you believe this! I really can't wait!
Have fun in NYC!!!