Happy Valentine's Day to all you out there reading this! Have anything special planned? The boyfriend and I decided to cook dinner together tonight. On the menu so far is broiled scallops, asparagus, hummus with veggies, and the
treats I made him for dessert

. In addition to the desserts I made him, I also got the boyfriend an early Valentine's Day gift of slippers for him to wear around the house when he's at my place (our wooden floors are old and falling apart a bit, plus the floors not always the cleanest).
Tonight I will be receiving my Valentine's Day gift. I have absolutely no clue what this secret project is that the boyfriend has been working on. He has given me numerous hints about the present, but none of them make any sense. When I showed up semi-unannounced at his place, there was a rectangle-shaped box that he said contained something that was shipped to him as part of the gift. He also had gotten

some pictures he had taken developed, and I thought it was strange of him to get pictures developed (he loves photography but in the entire time I've known him, he hasn't gotten a single picture hes taken developed yet). My guess was he was either making some sort of picture collage or a scrapbook. He said both guesses were wrong, and even followed it up with "do I seem like the scrapbooking kind of guy". I am very intrigued as to what I am getting, and hope that it's blog-worthy. It better be after keeping me in suspense all week!
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