I was enjoying my relaxing working from home day, when I walked into my bathroom and noticed the ground was wet. At first I thought it was just still wet from when I had showered, but then I realized that it was the roof that was leaking. This is not the first time this has happened, but last time it leaked it was during a torrential downpour. Although it has been raining today, it has been more of a light drizzle type of rain. It's supposed to keep raining for the next 6 hours, which worries me. Hopefully my landlord will bring in a roofer very very soon to come out and look at this.
This is where the water is coming in from - this is the door frame between my bathroom and bedroom.

These are the buckets that are down. Look at the clear bucket at the top and you can see that the water isn't clear - so gross:
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