Friday, September 23, 2011


Yesterday my mom, the boyfriend, and I all registered for the National Half Marathon on March 17, 2012
Thus the training has begun. I'm at 2 miles right now....only 11 more to go, in 6 months. Although my mom and I aren't training together, we've been doing a good job so far keeping each other motivated. The boyfriend is already in good shape from all his soccer and bike riding, so he doesn't need any motivation yet. 

It's raining out today and it feels like it's been raining for most of September. I wish it would stop but this weekend's forecast is showing more rain. Speaking of this weekend, it should be full of fun stuff - bike riding, DC United game with my sister and the boyfriend, watching Arsenal play, and soccer games on Sunday. 

This last month or so I've been really stressing myself out and I've been trying hard lately not to stress out, especially over things I can't control. It's been working out really well and I feel like I'm in a much better place. 

Today is the 1st day of Fall and that is very exciting. I love fall here in DC because it's an actual season. In my hometown in Ohio, fall would last approximately 2 weeks, in which the leaves wouldn't have even fallen on the ground before the snow started. Fall in DC is so much more pleasant weather wise, and the leaves are so beautiful when they change colors. Can't wait! 

1 comment:

  1. So excited you are running this too! I'm running, and Christina, and I think Amy and Nate signed up as well!
