Since it is the start of a new year, I have decided to make the following resolutions and goals for 2011:
1. Give up drinking soda. I don't drink a ton of soda, but I have it often enough, especially since I started dating my boyfriend who drinks it all the time, and I feel like even a little is bad for me. It's just pure sugar and there's no health benefit to it, so I'm going to give it up completely.
2. De-clutter my room. My room is light years better than it was when I lived in the basement (I moved onto the main floor in July 2010), but I still feel like I have too many clothes and not enough space for them. I'm going to get rid of clothes I don't wear and organize everything better.
3. Take better care of my skin. I have struggled with acne ever since puberty, and it has not gone away since. While it is never horrible, I constantly have at least 1 blemish on my skin at all times. It's not that I haven't taken care of my skin in the past, but I really want to make it a top priority in the new year.
4. Travel more Internationally. While I usually do my fair share of travelling during the year, I want to plan at least 1 international trip this year. So far I have plans to visit London in April, and hope to visit Iceland one of these days too.
5. Blog More. I know my legions of fans have been missing me lately, so I'm going to try and post 5x a week. Let's see how that goes.
6. Workout More. Between soccer, kickboxing and bike riding, I definitely do my fair share of working out, but I also feel like I could do more. I want to start up yoga once a week with my co-workers, and I have been slacking on the bike riding given the cold weather, but I need to suck it up and just go more.
7. Save more money. I consider myself a somewhat frugal person, but I also know I could save a lot more. I want to save up for travelling and the future.
8. Eat out less and cook more. This should also help with saving money.
9. Get on a better sleep schedule. Since I don't have to be into work until 9, and I live so close to work (about a 10 minute walk), I tend to stay up too late at night and therefore it's hard for me to get up in the morning. I am NOT a morning person, so getting a full 8 hours every night should hopefully make it easier to get up in the morning.
10. Set up a website for my artwork. I have paintings that I have been trying to sell, but I think setting up a website will be a good first step.
Do Yoga I love yoga, its so relaxing and awesome. Plus I'm way more flexible now. It'll also help you recover faster for your other sports.