For those of you who haven't heard, they added a 13th Zodiac called Ophiuchus, because something about the moon's gravitational pull on Earth changing the alignment of the stars. I'm now of the lucky few who now fall under this Zodiac. First of all, I think this is so stupid. I was born a Sagittarius, my personality fits with a Sagittarius, so that is what I'll be. As my roommate put it, "I am grandfathered in" to being a Sagittarius.
Also, why did they feel the need to change this? There was 12 zodiac signs before, why do we need a 13th? And how did they choose Ophiuchus. And couldn't they have picked one that people could pronounce.
On a happier note, I have a 3 day weekend and although I have nothing special planned, I'm so excited! Not only do I get an extra day off, I then only have a 4 days week next week!
So just claim to follow the tropical zodiac, which is what most of western culture does. It's based on seasons not stars so that way your sign doesnt change