I know I mentioned in my post yesterday just how lucky I am that I am able to walk to work, but I really have to say again how lucky I am to be so close to work. While my commute in to work yesterday was bad, it was nothing compared to some people's commutes home from work. It took several of my co-workers upwards of 4 to 7 hours to get home last night - which for many including abandoning their cars and walking. Due to great planning, everyone in the DC area left work around 2-3 pm, just as the snow was starting to fall (the government closed at 3pm). However, due to an amazing mixture of cars getting stuck on the roads and everyone leaving work at the same time, the roads were gridlocked AS the storm was happening. Meaning that the plows couldn't through to plow the roads because the cars were stuck on them, and that when cars got stuck in the snow, plows and emergency vehicles couldn't get to them to move them out of the way for others.
While everyone else was sitting in stopped traffic for hours at a time and not moving, I headed home around 5 and despite the sidewalks not being shoveled, had no issues at all. I also have to give props to the metro, because despite the mass chaos on the highways and major roads, the metro seemed to be operating just fine.
After I made it home safely, the boyfriend heard that the buses weren't running in his neck of the woods, so he decided to metro over to my place. He arrived safely, although quite snow covered, and after I made him dinner and were relaxing watching TV, he was getting antsy and suggested we shovel the walk. We got all bundled up, and headed outside to shovel. I started off shoveling, thinking I would do a bit and hand off the shovel when I got tired. I did the steps and saw that the boyfriend looked like the little sibling watching his older sibling enjoy that delicious piece of cake, so I gave him the shovel. I had no idea he loved to shovel so much! He did our entire walkway, the sidewalk, and our neighbors sidewalk (they shoveled our walkway during Snowmageddon last year). He kept saying how much he loved to do this sort of thing and all I could think of was how much of a keeper he was. Thanks again!
Our shoveled walk and sidewalk:
Our neighbors shoveled sidewalk:
One other thing - notice how bright outside it was last night! These pictures were taken around 9pm and with no flash. It looked like daylight out!
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