Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Weekend Update

This past weekend was really fun and really busy. I got home Sunday evening at 8pm and fell asleep at about 8:30 because I was so tired. 

Bowling was a really fun time, even if I'm not very good at it. 
Here is the boyfriend in action

Saturday the weather kinda sucked (super cold and rainy) but the cookie exchange party was a really fun time! I couldn't believe how many people came (at least 20!)
Weren't these the cutest invitations!

Sunday I saw my friend's 2 month old baby who was so tiny and adorable. 

Yesterday we had a happy hour after work to celebrate the end of our project we had been working on since August. After happy hour, I headed to Georgetown for a massage which was wonderful and much needed. 

The rest of the week isn't too busy, just crossfit, my department's holiday party, dinner at a friend's house, and happy hour on Friday. I just need to put the finishing touches on my Christmas gifts (assuming they all arrive in time as I've ordered all my gifts online and none have arrived yet), and do laundry. 

I also went to eye doctor today and my eye is almost 100% healed. I can see nearly perfect again (with my glasses on) and will be able to wear my contacts again around Feb or Mar of next year. Hallelujah! I can't wait! In the meantime I still have to do my drops hourly, the ointment at night, keep the plug in my eye, and start on Restasis. Not too bad if it means I can see!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Winding Down

Work has been steadily going from non-stop craziness to normalcy. The past 2 months I've only worked out a handful of times due to the perfect storm of working long hours, eye problems, and scheduling issues. However, last night I was able to leave work at 6:00 AND make it to crossfit! I feel like I'm finally back: I'm able to leave work on time, I'm finally able to make plans with friends, and I'm able to have time to work out. Hallelujah!

This weekend is jam-packed: birthday bowling celebration in Arlington, Cookie Exchange party in Alexandria, soccer in DC, and seeing my friend's baby in Maryland. So much traveling in just one weekend. 

Besides just working all the time, nothing else is new. I've been trying to order all my Christmas gifts as it is less than 2 weeks away and I've only bought 1 present. The weather has also been crazy around here. We had a snow day (aka work from home day) on Tuesday: 

I've also been cooking a lot lately. Here are some recent concoctions: 

Hangar Steak with salsa verde, plantains and guacamole

Shrimp Couscous: 

I've also made Skyline Chili, Penne w Ricotta and Spinach, and cookie dough for the cookie exchange:

That's all the updates for now. More to come soon. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving / My Birthday

Thanksgiving went by so fast but was such a fun time. The boyfriend and I left for Cleveland very very early Thursday morning. My mom rented a house right on the lake that had 5 bedrooms: my sisters each brought him their significant others, plus our friend Jeet joined along as well making it 9 people in the house (my parents stayed at my grandparents house). It was so much fun all being in the house as opposed to a hotel, where we could all relax and hang out. 
View of Lake Erie from our bedroom 

My dad picked us up from the airport, and we drove to my grandparents house to change, and then did a 5 mile Turkey Trot race. It was sooo cold outside - I think it was about 20 and windy and snowing. It was really fun though - I walked it with my parents and the boyfriend ran it with Jeet and the brother-in-law. 

After the race we went to the house to shower and change, and then headed to my aunts house for Thanksgiving. She made a delicious meal for all of us and I had a great time chilling out with my family. 

Friday afternoon we all went to our hometown to get lunch, do some sightseeing, and shopping. Then we all went back over to my aunts house again for pizza which was also a fun time. 

Saturday morning I was supposed to fly out at 8am, but once I got to my gate they were looking for volunteers for a later flight which I happily took for a $300 voucher. Saturday was also my 29th birthday, and once I arrived back in town I took a nice long nap, and then headed to my friend Jesica's house for dinner and cake:

Sunday the birthday festivities continued when my sister and my brother-in-law took me out to lunch at Founding Farmers. They also got me mini cakes for dessert which were delicious. 

Today is Monday which means back to work. At least there's lots of good sales to keep my occupied (although I haven't bought anything yet).