Last night I watched the Real Housewives of DC Reunion Special Part 1. I have to say - this season has pretty much been a let down. The whole premise of the DC spin-off is that "in DC, currency is proximity to power" - but it seems that is exactly what this show was missing - people who are actually powerful/important in DC. I mean, don't get me wrong, they all seem like nice enough people who have A LOT more money than I ever will, but there were so many important people they could have used. My main question though is where in the world did they ever find Michaele Salahi at - her and Tareq already had a reputation for being "social climbers" and for not paying their bills around town. And not to mention she has to be one of the stupidest people ever, I just don't see what she brought to the table (besides of course, the infamous Party Crashing event, but it's not like Bravo could have known that was going to happen).

Speaking of the Party Crashing event, the Salahi's are saying that the show is supposed to clear up their name and show that they really thought they were invited to the event. But, I think in fact it did the complete opposite. At the salon, Michaele clearly says (when the stylist asks) that she has an actual invitation to the event, and that it's in the car.

She then goes to her car and says she must have forgotten a bag because she can't find the invitation, her bra, and a pair of shoes. Tareq says thats it's ok because you don't actually need the invitation to get into the White House, and that it's just a formality. And Tareq is correct - if you are invited to something, and you receive an actual invitation, then you will be on the list when you arrive. Then, the Bravo producer is heard asking to see the actual invitiation to the event, and Michaele tries to brush it off, like it's no big deal.

But the producer isn't buying it and is prying to make sure that they were indeed invited to the event.
In the aftermath of the State Dinner, the Salahis said that they thought they had been invited to the event, based on emails from Michele Jones, who is the Pentagon liaison to the White House. Just because she never said "no, I couldn't get you a ticket" that does not mean "yes, we have tickets for you and you are invited."
Anyways, the point of all my rambling is that the Salahi's have told one lie after another. Not that this is any sort of news, but being ignorant does excuse nor exonerate you from any wrong doing. Additionally, saying you have an invitation is a clear lie if you were never invited. Either you had an invitation and you couldn't find it, or you never had one and just showed up to the event and lied about having an invitation in the first place. Which sounds more like what really happened....
In other Real Housewives news, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills premiered last night, which I have yet to watch (I couldn't take too much Real Housewives in one night, I need to pace myself).

Now, these women could not be more perfect for the show - they are all well-known, important and/or married to important people, and completely and utterly over-the-top. I cannot wait!
Lastly, I think it's a bit odd that they are overlapping the Atlanta and Beverly Hills seasons by so much. Normally it'll just overlap by 1 or 2 episodes, not by the majority of the season. Like I said earlier, I'm super excited for Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but I kinda wish they had spread the seasons out a bit more.
Hooray for Friday!!!!
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