Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Weekend Update: Baseball and Apple Pie

After an extremely long and tiring week I was so excited when Friday finally got here. The boyfriend was pumped for game 5 of the playoffs with the Cardinals versus the Nationals. Despite taking an early lead of 6-0, the Nationals somehow managed to loose - which was bad for DC but extremely exciting for the boyfriend. I still think I was good luck since I fell asleep on the couch before the game started and woke up right before the Cardinals scored their first run.

Saturday the boyfriend and I spent most of the day organizing and cleaning. I took a bunch of stuff from his place back to mine, and even though we only live a mile apart we decided to use car2go instead if taking multiple trips. Car2go is a super cool rental car system, where all the cars are Smart cars. They are parked all over the city, and you pay for it by the minute. I have never driven a smart car before and the boyfriend and I were really surprised by home roomy it felt inside. It was also insanely easy to park which was awesome considering I suck at parallel parking. The best part is, unlike ZipCar, you don't have to return it to where you picked it up. Genius!

Saturday night we were too tired to go out, so we decided to go see the movie Argo. In case you haven't heard of it, it's based on the true story of The Iranian Hostage Crisis in which the US embassy in Iran was taken over and the workers were held hostage. 6 employees managed to escape and sought refuge in the Canadian ambassadors house. The CIA hatched a plan to make a fake movie named Argo which would be the cover story for for sneaking those 6 employees out. The movie was very well done and extremely suspenseful. I highly recommend!

Sunday I spent most of the afternoon baking. The boyfriend's mom sent him apples that she had picked so we decided to make a pie with the apples. I had never made a pie by myself before and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It turned out delicious and I have to say I impressed myself. I used Martha Stewarts recipe for Old Fashioned Apple pie and she definitely knows what she's doing.

Sunday evening I got to babysit for a teeny tiny baby during the boyfriend's soccer game (the babies parents both play on the boyfriend's team). I had so much fun with the baby, but I was reminded of how tiring babies were! After babysitting then I headed off to my soccer game which we won!

I love coming home to a clean apartment that is well organized with a fully stocked fridge - doesn't get much better than that!

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