Thursday, September 15, 2011

Almost Friday

This week has been super busy at work but that means it's been making the days fly by. How is it already Thursday? This week has also been full of working out since when my mom was here she talked me into running a Half Marathon with her. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking when I said yes, but so beginth the training!

Tuesday I played pickup on the mall which was really fun. I was playing really well and the weather was just perfect out (see picture). Wednesday night my co-worker and I hit up our work gym - she ran and I did the bike for 30 minutes. Then my wonderful sister came over and brought dinner for us to eat and hang out. Tonight I'm taking a day off because it's Foreign Film Night with some of my co-workers. Tomorrow I'm hoping to hit up the gym again and then hopefully biking Saturday if it's not raining, and then soccer game on Sunday like usual.

The only question now is what race to run. I'm thinking the National Half Marathon is a good choice, it's in late March so it won't be too hot out. It's in DC so I won't have to travel (just my mom). Only problem is my mom wants a flat course which this course isn't. Maybe I can talk her into it.

I've been going a bit Groupon crazy this month - I got the deal for Whole Foods (which I used the next day) for $10 for $20, the US Weekly year subscription for $30, and I used my Pete's Apizza deal this week for lunch on the day that it expired. Nothings worse than buying a Groupon and not using it.

Today's Jersey Day at work (every Thursday during football season is Jersey Day) and I'm sporting my DC United jersey. People keep asking me if I'm going to the game tonight because I'm wearing the jersey. I respond back that I'm wearing a jersey cause it's Jersey Day and I think they think I'm nuts since I'm the only wearing a jersey today. Oh well.

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