Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekend Recap

How is it already Monday again? This weekend went by way too fast. Friday night the boyfriend came over and we just chilled at home. Saturday morning he had an architecture class so I made plans with my friend and some co-workers to go to All Fired Up to paint some pottery. I made a mug that I am going to use as my water cup when I paint. Next weekend I can pick it up and find out if I made the Wall of Fame like last time.

After painting, I met up with the boyfriend and we went out for his friend's birthday celebration. We started off at her new apartment in Mt. Pleasant and then hit up the bars in U St. After the bars we all headed over to Ben's Chili Bowl for some late night snacking. By the time we left it was late and we spent forever trying to get a cab. It was making me so mad that the cabbies would lock the door, crack their window and ask "where you going?" and then drive off when I told them which neighborhood. If I'm paying you to do your job, why do you refuse me. So frustrating! Luckily, my friend Jesica's boyfriend happened to be driving into the city and was able to come rescue us and drive us home.

Sunday I watched the Women's World Cup game as the US took on Brazil in the quarter finals and it was the most amazing come-back game I have ever seen. Once overtime started I had to leave for my own game, so I had to find out later how it ended and I couldn't believe that they had won! Speaking of my soccer game, it was in the late afternoon and by then it was so hot out that I felt like my feet were melting off. Despite this, I managed to play a good game and we won. After soccer the boyfriend and I had dinner and then decided to hit the tennis ball around since it had cooled off a bit. Then we watched 127 Hours which was really good. James Franco was amazing in it and the story itself was so intense. Then I was off to bed after sufficiently tiring myself out.

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