Friday, January 7, 2011

Don't Know What's Come Over Me

Wednesday night was the start of my winter soccer outdoor league. If you asked me last year at this time if I thought I would be playing an outdoor soccer game in January I would have told you I was crazy. Without really realizing what I signed up for, our game lasted 80 minutes (I'm used 60-70 minute games), there were no subs for the girls, I was playing mid-field aka running the entire time, and we had to play a man down. It was quite brutal, but so much fun at the same time.

To top it off, my co-worker Amy told me she was going to the lunchtime kick-boxing class on Friday and asked if I wanted to join. For some reason that I still don't understand I said yes. Now it's Friday afternoon, and I am so sore, but feel great. What has come over me?!?!

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